
Money Laundering

Regulation of Cryptocurrency Strategies for Government to Tackle Money Laundering

Cryptocurrency technologies started to come up with new and advanced tools in 2017. New technological upgrades made the decentralization of the global eCommerce community possible. However, the same technological updates also allowed NFTs facilitate and the public to develop tools capable of money laundering. Unfortunately, countries such as Russia, North Korea, and Iran began using…

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misuse of crypto

What Is the Misuse of Virtual Currency?

Cryptocurrencies are the technological highlight of this decade in business and trade. Despite being one of the most volatile markets, the crypto market is rapidly evolving and Bitcoin long-term developing new upgrades. Every trade market is volatile and unreliable to some extent. For example, the Crypto market has flourished over the years while facing the…

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SEO vs PPC | Updated Guide 2022

Maybe you have been considering SEO to help drive traffic to your website, but other businesses believe using PPC is more beneficial. You don’t know which is better or which one will work for your specific business type. Well, read on as we unpack each of these and how they can help your website and,…

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Benefits of Classroom Decorating

The Benefits of Classroom Decorating That Every Teacher Should Know About

For teachers, having an engaging classroom is a must, and decorating a classroom can help with student engagement. Although some may believe that decorations can hinder student learning, there are many benefits to classroom decoration. When decorated correctly, a classroom can help students feel safe, assist in achievement on exams and assignments, help build student…

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