2 Main Constant Contact Image Size Recommendations for 2023


Sometimes you people face a lot of problems uploading images. Here the constant contact image size is the best method that solves your problems.

The Some recommendation ways which we follow:

  • correct constant contact size image
  • the constant contact size image
  • Notice and use the correct image width, height, and dimensions.
  • Size of file

These instructions can also be very helpful to successfully upload images.

You can imagine and take ideas after thoroughly reading the whole article, what’s the best way behind the success of uploading an image.

Constant Contact Image Size Recommendations

Now we discuss the image size for constant contact, the width of the image, the height of the image, and what’s the dimensions of the file which we follow.

Best image size for constant contact

The constant contact compress is the best way to decrease the pixel of width which is above 1200 and it also reduces the image height from all sides.

constant contact 

if you noticed that some HD images kept a big height and width. when this image shows it is blurry. We use contact size compress to remove blurry from the image.

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Email constant contact image size limit:

most of all the contact size limit uses 600 pixels wide. if you want that your image will be completely displayed on the desktop then we should use 600 to 650 pixels. it is a. good practice to compress all the images. This method is also applied when you display email images on a desktop.

You can also resize your email image because they will be very helpful for you. The negative thing is that if your email shows a little image then they become blurry but when they show big it will be very delightful and gorgeous. so don’t worry about the big image.

if you want your email image to show delightful on mobile then you set 450 pixels. It’s the best for you and others.

There is no hard and fast rule for compressing the image. You can also adjust in your own way. The second thing to keep in mind is that every instrument adjusts the image for its own method. The big image can cause zooming.

constant contact header image size

Constant contact header image size shows the width and height of the image. It takes some storage of your ram which depends on the “size of file”.

constant contact header image size

The larger the file size, That’s all it will take up more memory resolution means what’s the number of pixels you use in an image, some instruments allow pixels to be set in their own way which makes the image more featured.

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constant contact background image size

If you are using constant Contact pro plans then constant contact background image size is a very helpful method for you which we are discussing.

If you notice that constant contact pro gives templates to users of background images. except for this, you can also use your own media library for this tool and remove background from every image.

In a custom email template, your image appears behind the content. The “seam” runs down the middle of your template but is not visible due to the large body text. The size of your image and the length of your email will affect how it appears.

 Types of files:

  • JPG
  • PNG
  • GIF


                      The jpg file to use for photos is used to compress all images and show good results. The main negative thing is that it doesn’t work with text.


                      Its use for quality content, regardless of text, removes all of the bug distortions which appear on it. The best feature is that when we upload this file it doesn’t compress. The negative point is that the size of the file is very large.


                       This file is used for the graphics designing and logos and also for the changing background images. the GIF file doesn’t compress. It shows a small size when we download it.

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Is it important to consider image size?

Absolutely! Image size is an important factor to consider when designing a website or creating content for blog posts and other digital media. 

Images that are too large can significantly slow down the loading time of your webpage, making it difficult for users to navigate and find what they need. Conversely, images that are too small may appear pixelated and not convey the message you are trying to communicate. 

To ensure optimal user experience, it is important to find a balance between file size and image resolution when selecting images for your website or digital content. 

Additionally, pay attention to file formats like JPEGs tend to be smaller in size and better suited for web use, while PNGs provide higher quality but can be larger in size. 

This is a crucial step in creating high-quality digital content that will engage and delight your users.

Frequently Asked Questions:     

How big should constant contact images be?


         Here are only 2 steps. If you follow them it will be a lot of help.

  • Select the option “Save for Web devices” or “Optimize” after this process, selecting the image will reduce the file size.
  • select the align for layers when saving the final image. they will reduce the file size.

a constant contact image size limit subscriber’s box may be longer than others so that is why we use a smaller image.

How can I make my images clear in Constant Contact?


When Images are over 1200 pixels wide, Constant Contact reduces the height proportionally, resulting in an image that looks flickery, fuzzy, or blurry.

Which image size is best for Constant Contact?


            It is recommended to use 600 to 650 pixels wide when creating a contact so that your image will be completely viewed on the desktop. it is also a good practice to compress all images. Any image smaller than the width of the email may appear blurry if resized.

How can I upload files to constant contact?


The constant contact mainly consists of word documents, excel sheets, PowerPoint presentations, and pdfs.

What is the constant contact API?


Endpoints are available to help migrate basic and OAuth 1.0a app users to OAuth 2.0 authentication. OAuth 2.0 is used by the Constant Contact API


“CONSTANT CONTACT IMAGE SIZE” is the best tool so far, it is very supportive for the users. You can gain more results in business marketing like email marketing.

This guide walks you through making constant contact images bigger so you can create better emails.

We expect better results from you people based on these blogs.