Botox: Cosmetic and Medical Uses in New Orleans

Cosmetic and Medical Botox

Botox treatment has been around for decades now, and there have been more uses, aside from cosmetic uses, that have been proven to help with. Getting the new botox cosmetic surgery nearby in New Orleans would be able to help with eye twitching, lazy eye, hyperhidrosis, wrinkles, and fine lines. This is Botox: Cosmetic and Medical Uses in New Orleans.

What Are the Uses of Botox?

Medical uses

  • Cervical dystonia
  • Upper limb spasticity
  • Blepharospasm (eyelid spasms)
  • Strabismus (crossed eyes)
  • Overactive bladder due to anticholinergic medications
  • Hyperhidrosis (severe underarm sweating)
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Achalasis
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Sialorrhea
  • Psoriasis
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Anismus

Cosmetic uses

  • Frown lines
  • Glabellar lines
  • Elevens
  • Cobblestone skin on your chin
  • Crow’s feet (wrinkles found around your eyes(
  • Lines found at the corner of your mouth
  • The horizontal creases found on your forehead

Types of Botox Injections

Types of Botox Injections

  1. Baby Botox

This type of botox is best for people who want to prevent any signs of ageing from showing up. It would be able to help slow down the signs of aging and slow down the formation of lines around your eyes, on your forehead, and around your eyebrows.

  1. BroTox

The BroTox treatment is made for guys who want to prevent wrinkles from showing up. It would be able to prevent deep frown lines and wrinkles from showing up. It could also help with crow’s feet and droopy brows.

What does the Botox Procedure look like in New Orleans?

Before the procedure

Before the procedure starts, they are going to numb your skin, even though you would not really feel any general discomfort during the whole procedure. People often numb their pales, and the soles of their feet, especially if they are getting Botox treatment because they want to treat excessive sweating. They could use topical anesthesia, vibration anesthesia (which uses massage), or ice to numb the chosen area of the body.

During the procedure

When you are having your Botox procedure, it is usually in the doctor’s office where your doctor would then inject a thin needle and inject a tiny amount of botulinum toxin. It is going to be injected into specific areas of your skin or your muscles. If you are wondering how many injections are needed, it would depend on how big the area is and to what extent it is.

After the procedure

After you have your Botox procedure, you should not rub and massage that specific area for at least 24 hours because this might cause the toxin injected to spread in different areas that you do not want the toxins to go. But after the whole procedure, you could go back to doing your everyday activities like normal. 

You would be able to see the results of the treatment after 3 days, and the whole effect of the treatment may last about 3 months or longer, it would generally depend on what kind of treatment you got and what problems you are trying to treat. You are going to have to go back to your doctor after the procedure for a few follow-up injections so that you would be able to maintain the effect it has on your skin.

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Where is Botox injected?

Where is Botox injected

Where your Botox would be injected would depend on the specific area that you want to treat. It is usually injected into your affected muscles when you want your muscle stiffness or muscle spasms, wrinkles, and eye disorders to be treated. 

The Botox would be injected into the muscles of your head or the muscles of your neck when you want to treat and prevent migraines. 

If you want to treat excessive sweating, then it would be injected into your skin. If you have an overactive bladder, then it would be injected into your bladder. 

And the Botox treatment would be injected into your salivary glands if you are looking for treatment for your excess saliva and when you drool too much.

How much dosage your doctor is going to give you, how many injections, and where you are going to be injected would depend on the kind of condition you have. Your doctor is going to be determining all of these during your consultation where they are going to ask you about your goals and what you are feeling. You would most likely feel the effects of the Botox treatment within a few days to 2 weeks and feel the effects for 3 to 6 months.