Four Ways to Increase Your Productivity This Summer

Increase Your Productivity

With many companies closing for summer shutdowns and business people taking their family vacations during the school holidays, July and August can be prime months for anyone looking to capitalize or invest. Staying abreast of the market is key and putting in the hours now could be the ideal way to get the best deals.

Ways to Increase Your Productivity

However, with high temperatures and family commitments, it can be hard to stay focused – these four tips will ensure you stay not just productive but at the top of your game.

Plan Your Time

Work smarter, not harder. Long hours are not necessarily the answer. Prioritize your time and work for a spell in the morning and another in the afternoon – this ensures you don’t miss out on vital news/emails but also allows you to enjoy your day.

Plan Your Time for Productivity

It might not be as rejuvenating as a vacation, but a working staycation where you’re staying on top of your commitments as well as enjoying the hot weather can give you a happy balance. You will be surprised how much work you can get done in a set time when you focus!

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Fuel for the Body

We all know the value of a healthy diet, but in hot weather, it is more important than ever. High temperatures make the body work harder and can easily leave you sluggish and demotivated.

Fuel for the Body

Choose slow-release foods and fresh fruit and vegetables to give your energy levels a boost and remember to stay hydrated – lack of fluids will affect your concentration levels and can lead to rash decisions and silly mistakes.

Dress Down

In warm weather bodies naturally become sticky – perspiration is the body’s cooling mechanism. Dress appropriately for the weather so you feel more comfortable – a shirt and tie are only going to make you feel irritable. Opt for smart, lightweight polo shirts and linen shorts for a relaxed but professional look if you have meetings.

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Change Your Work Environment

During hot weather being holed up in a stifling office can be a bad idea. Lack of fresh air can leave you short-tempered, hot, and grumpy. If you can, why not change your work environment?

If you have a shaded area in your garden, this can be an ideal place to work (and if you have kids at home they can play outside as you stay on top of your workload), and a deck or veranda is a perfect place to work during the day and relax in the evening.

Change Your Work Environment

Investing in your outdoor space with the help of companies such as Outdoor Living can give you an inspiring workspace that allows you to enjoy the benefits of summer.

Top up your tan as you check items off your to-do list! If that really isn’t possible, buy additional fans so you can stay cool and fill a jug with icy fresh lemonade to give your home office a touch of Mediterranean class.

Most importantly, remember that it is ok to take a break when you need to – heat stroke is serious, and pushing yourself won’t do you any favors in the long run. Stay on top of your game, but most importantly – stay safe.