How to obtain a PMI ACP Certification in 2022?

PMI ACP certification

Undertaking the PMI ACP certification is a very good idea in the industry because this is considered to be one of the most dedicated and focused certifications in the industry.

This particular certification is very much suitable for all the candidates who are interested to increase their knowledge base and skills in the world of agile practices because this particular training will help in providing people with in-depth knowledge of the different kinds of methodologies like extreme programming, lean, KANBAN and so on.

This particular certification will always make sure that everybody will be able to learn and experience the best possible skill sets which are extremely important to deliver the project completely in the manner of agile.

Following are some of the very basic things which you need to know about obtaining PMI-ACP certification:

To get certified in this particular area people need to possess the following minimum criteria:

  • The secondary degree
  • 21 hours of contact training
  • 12 months of the general project management experience

Undertaking this particular type of certification from the house of experts at Staragile is the best decision which any kind of candidate can make so that they will be having the brilliant experience of undertaking the training very successfully from the house of the best people.


Also, people need to be very much clear about the basic framework of agile along with great practices evolution, manifesto, principles, methodologies, and frameworks. Apart from this people also need to be very much clear about the introduction of a scrum so that there is no chance of any kind of chaos and everybody will be able to deal with things very well.

Experts at this particular company will also help in providing people with the accessibility to a unique framework so that the professionalism element will be easily present and everybody will be able to clear the exam in 45 days very well.

What Includes in PMI ACP Certification Course Package:

The course packages will also be including different kinds of components like pre-recorded videos, live virtual sessions, simulation exams, projects, case studies, and end of chapter quizzes very successfully. Some of the very basic real benefits of the PMI-ACP certification have been explained as follows:

With the help of this particular type of course people will be having a clear idea about how to plan, estimate and implement the best possible techniques in the world of projects.


This particular type of system will further make sure that everybody will be having a good hold of different kinds of rivers like DSDM, XB, lean, KANBAN, and so on.

The very basic advantage of this particular system is that people will be having a clear idea about the tips and tricks along with managing the project deadlines over here with a higher level of cost-effectiveness in the whole process.

Whenever the candidates are interested to learn in detail about the scrum then depending on this particular concept is a good idea to avoid any kind of chaos.

Hence, attending the agile ACP certification is very much important for people because of the above-mentioned benefits associated with it so that everybody will be able to enjoy a good position in the organisations as managerial roles.