Manual vs Automated Software Testing

Manual vs Automated Software Testing

Testing a software product is one of the most important stages in the development process. Ignorance of basic terms and concepts can complicate the work of a tester. We decided to collect the most common software testing questions to help those who are just starting their career or just interested in the IT field. Some of them relate to testing theory, others to practice and others to documentation in testing.

There is a major discrepancy between how software development should be done and how it is actually done. Ideally: well-articulated requirements, complete and detailed specifications, intelligently thought-out design, and careful implementation of the software theoretically create the preconditions for an error-free, usable software product.

But this is far from reality. Usually, most of the effort to create reliable software falls on the testing phase, where more or less successful attempts are made to obtain a new software product that correctly processes fairly simple input data. You can learn more about it here – software test services.

Software Testing

Among testers, there is a huge division into narrower specialties: testing security, performance, usability, etc. But in the broadest sense, they can be divided into manual testers and automated testers. Any testing can be performed both manually and with the help of automation tools.

Manual testing is a type of software testing in which the tester manually runs tests without the aid of any automation. 

Automated testing, in turn, is performed using frameworks such as Selenium, PHPUnit, Mockery, and others. Its goal is to reduce the costs and risks associated with the human factor. This type is especially effective on long-term projects with frequent releases and volume regressions.

Automated Software Testing

Application test automation is a software testing process that includes performing such basic functions and test steps as launching, initializing, executing, analyzing, and issuing a result automatically using specialized tools.

Benefits of automated testing 

  1. Improving the quality of testing, since when using automation tools, the “human factor” does not affect the quality of testing. 
  2. Ability to perform such types of testing that either cannot be performed manually or require significant costs (additional equipment, personnel). 
  3. Acceleration of the testing process without loss of quality. Carrying out the same amount of work manually takes more time. Using automation tools for testing allows you to run already written scripts without further modifications. 
  4. During testing, reports on the results of software applications are sent and saved automatically.


Depending on the requirements of the customer and the capabilities of the tool, other software products are also subject to automatic testing. Developing individual test cases for automation makes the testing process more efficient.

Creating initial conditions that minimally affect other tests allows you to use scripts that can return the system to its original state. When testing with this functionality, automation provides the maximum return. We recommend you this service –