Strategies For Successfully Managing and Tracking Multiple Projects at Once

tracking multiple projects

STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING AND TRACKING MULTIPLE PROJECTS | We live in a fast-paced era where competition is increasing at a breakneck pace in every industry, and this is why a vast majority of teams have to juggle several projects simultaneously. Gone are those days when a team was given plenty of time to work on a single project, as such an approach in the current era can act as a setback for many firms.

But the thought of juggling several projects at once can become the source of anxiety for many project managers. While giant companies with big budgets can hire a whole team of project managers to deal with multiple projects, the small and medium-sized businesses force the functional managers to fit in this role. They are even expected to perform like an experienced project manager.

This is where the issues start piling up in small businesses. Juggling several projects at the same time can be an arduous journey even for experienced project managers, and for someone who has no experience in this field, this can sound impossible. This is why, in this blog post, we have come up with some strategies that you can use for managing multiple projects at once.

Always be proactive when it comes to planning

If you are going to deal with a project, then nothing shouldn be left to chance as such an approach can become a disaster for your firm. Before even beginning the project, you should have a proper plan for every scenario.

Always be proactive for tracking multiple projects

You should also have a proper contingency plan because not everything in your project will move seamlessly and as per your expectation. Moreover, you should always set practical expectations for yourself and the team, allowing you to become successful at every stage of the project.

In addition to this, you must include break periods in your plan as you and your team will go through a lot of mental pressure during the project.

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Make the most of all the tools

It doesn’t matter how many years of experience you have as a project manager or how many projects you have handled successfully in the past; you are bound to need help. This is where different project management tools can act as a savior for you and your team members.

Make the most of all the tools

As a project manager, you can track the team’s progress, assign tasks, set deadlines and re-prioritize tasks, and even conduct daily business just within a click of a button.

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Focus on prioritizing tasks for tracking multiple projects

A project management approach without prioritization of tasks can never be successful. An ideal project manager knows when to prioritize tasks and which tasks should be kept out of the list of priorities.

If a project manager is not aware of which tasks will affect the project on a bigger scale, they can never prioritize tasks efficiently.

prioritizing tasks

This becomes crucial if you are managing multiple projects. And while creating a marketing strategy, you can also put all the repetitive and similar tasks in the same group even if they belong to different projects.

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Use the power of reviews for adjusting the plan

You might have worked on making a plan by putting in a lot of effort and time, but it doesn’t make sense to stick to the same plan if everything related to the project keeps changing with time. As a project manager, you must be flexible, especially if you are managing multiple projects simultaneously.

While working on multiple projects, many variables can change many aspects, goals, and expected outcomes of the project. So, the best thing you can do is get regular reviews by organizing review sessions and making adjustments to the plan as per the changes and reviews.

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Always stay focused for tracking multiple projects

If you are juggling several projects at once, you are bound to give less time to the tasks you are already occupied with. But if you want to become a successful project manager, you should always stay focused on the task at hand.

The best way for tracking multiple projects or to stay focused is to assign proper time for every task or project you are currently handling.

This will allow you to remain productive, complete all the tasks, and that too without losing your efficiency. When you lose focus, you lose your ability to stay productive.

There is no way you can thwart a project manager from managing multiple projects at the same time, and therefore, you have to act smart and equip the project manager with the right tools and make him aware of all the strategies mentioned in this blog post. This will make the project manager stay effective even while juggling several projects.