How to Survive High School English Classes: 3 Useful Tips

Survive High School English Classes

When it comes to high school, life for students, in general, is usually quite complicated enough as it is. Most find it challenging and have difficulty managing their busy schedules and meeting different expectations specific to them. High school students juggle multiple commitments, from several extracurricular activities they are involved in doing, to familial obligations, preparing for college, and many other essential responsibilities during this transitional period.

Some significant causes of stress and prevailing challenges that high school students commonly face include dealing with school culture and managing social relationships, as well as finding a way to balance their time and effectively meet different expectations from others. We understand life for high school students is challenging enough as it is, so we are here to help. Here, we include a guide on surviving high school English classes with three valuable tips.

1.  Know the Correct Grammar Rules

A frequent grammar mistake high school English students make in their class is using the terms “affect” and “effect” interchangeably and inconsistently. You can quickly learn with this straightforward explanation of this common grammar issue and never make the mistake of mixing up the two words’ effect and affect again.

Correct Grammar Rules for English Classes

Sharpening your grammar skills with other subject matter is often just as manageable and straightforward. We will highlight the differences between the two words to show you how simple it is to improve your grammar skills.

Affect vs effect is a quintessential example of grammar misuse by many students in their high school English classes. Affect is generally a verb that describes the impact of an event in the future or present tense, whereas effect is generally a noun that describes the subject of impact.

Affect, for the most part, describes an action of influence on another person, thing, or place. On the other hand, effect usually represents a change that occurs due to an action.

The following phrases are examples of proper grammar usage for affect vs effect:

  • “The bad weather affected the number of people that showed up to the outdoor event.”
  • “There are many long-term negative health effects that air pollution can cause.”

Knowing your grammar, such as affect vs effect, is so crucial to your success in doing well in your high school English classes.

2.  Read in Your Spare Time

Taking the time to read every day is incredibly beneficial, especially when you do so with something that you genuinely enjoy reading and are interested in learning about more. If you set aside a realistic, practical, and appropriate amount of time each day to spend reading, you can almost immediately see the incredible difference that doing so will make.

Read in Your Spare Time

You can always start by only designating a small amount of your time to read at first if you feel there is not much time in your schedule as you are busy, such as with five minutes a day, even if it is during the time you spend on a commute or waiting between classes. Reading each day can dramatically help improve your writing and teach you a lot of vocabulary you pick up on as you are reading.

It doesn’t matter what you read in your spare time; the greater the variety, the better. As long as you find something you enjoy reading, doing so each day in your spare time can significantly help improve your English skills overall, helping you to do better in your English class.

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3.  Start Assignments Early

It is never a good idea to cram for any subject or assignment, and this concept especially holds for high school English class, whether it be for homework, an essay, a test, or another project in the subject. To not cram for your English class, ensure you do not wait until the last minute to complete tasks and instead proactively begin your assignments and study ahead of time.

Start Assignments Early

The more time you give yourself before the due date, the more time you will have to revise and review your work, so starting as soon as possible is always ideal. Also, most of the time, English teachers are more than happy to look at and review a rough draft of the assignment if you ask before the deadline.

Suppose that is the case and your class’ English teacher offers this. In that case, you should take advantage of this, as the comments on your early draft will provide instrumental insight and feedback. Further, this will help you improve your paper before turning it in, meaning you can earn an even better grade on the assignment.

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When it comes to high school, many students’ lives are stressful and complicated enough. So, to help students survive and succeed in high school English classes, we have discussed three valuable tips here. High school students should know the correct grammar rules and principles to perform even better in English class, read in their spare time, and begin assignments as early as possible.

We explain the proper grammar usage for the commonly confused words affect vs effect. Since this is a common grammar misuse among many high school English students, we describe the appropriate uses for both in a straightforward, quick, easy-to-learn manner. And this shows how these tips are practical and valuable for high school students looking to improve their skills in English class and perform even more successfully in the subject.