Manual vs Automated Software Testing

Manual vs Automated Software Testing

Testing a software product is one of the most important stages in the development process. Ignorance of basic terms and concepts can complicate the work of a tester. We decided to collect the most common software testing questions to help those who are just starting their career or just interested in the IT field. Some…

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negotiate for a higher salary

How to negotiate for a higher salary?

You’ve applied. You’ve interviewed. You’ve gotten an offer—but the salary seems low to you. How do you negotiate for a higher salary? Negotiating a salary offer is one of the most stressful parts of a job search. It is challenging to ask for more money when an employer has already made you an offer. Talking…

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Shopify vs WooCommerce

Shopify vs WooCommerce: what is the best option?

Thanks to the constant growth of innovation, a significant number of ways to promote your business product on the Internet have been learned. Basically, these are e-commerce platforms that allow businessmen to skillfully create unique websites. Such platforms are useful not only for experienced projects but also convenient for the implementation of potential ideas. They provide…

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