Top Free Online Plagiarism Checkers Alternatives of Copyscape

Best Free Online Plagiarism Checkers

When it comes to blogging, you should also avoid plagiarism as Google will not get your site in search results and you can lose a lot of popularity and reputation if you post some kind of stolen material on your page.

On blogs where guest posts are allowed, the topic of stolen material is common. To avoid any such problem, you should look for plagiarism in the materials provided. Bring here some of the best tools and AI content editors for testing and editing copied or stolen materials, to help you with this.

Here are the top free online resources for testing plagiarism.

1. Copyleaks:

Copyleaks is a completely free way to identify plagiarism. You can import a Docx file or a text file to check for plagiarism or you can submit the material in a text box and hit the search button, with the results available within seconds. Test plagiarism of a single sentence of the text. This platform produces reliable tests.

You can search 3 times a day if you are not a registered customer. To increase the limit, all you have to do is sign up for Copyleaks for a free account.

Besides preventing plagiarism, SEO Tool Station still offers many other free tools, you can find them here.

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2. Quetext:

Quetext is one of the top free online plagiarism checkers.

It is completely easy to use and no registration is required. Simply copy and paste the material into the text box you want to check for plagiarism, fill in the verification code and hit “Check Plagiarism”. It will take a few minutes to complete the scan, but the results will be satisfactory.

In an assignment, the word limit is 3000 characters.

3. DupliChecker:

DupliChecker is safe to use and requires no registration that is why it is in the list of top free online plagiarism checkers. This requires up to 1000 words of text or less than 300 KB of Doc / Text / HTML. Just type the content in the text box or download the file and check for plagiarism in any of the supported formats. Returns search results automatically.

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4. Plagiarism Detector:

Plagiarism Detector helps you apply the content in the text box or save it as a Doc script. Stolen content search is free and available for registration.

Using this method differs from all other applications, as it converts the content into a group of words so that the number of words for each term is within the Google search limits, then you press the button “results from search “corresponding to each expression and the Google search symbol returns the answer for the same term. Therefore, you will know if the phrase is a rotation or a transcription of an instrument that is already in place.

Top Free Online Plagiarism Checkers

The tools listed above are free and have no regular limit. You can use it whenever you want. While these devices act as strong alternatives to Copyscape.

Besides the tools mentioned above, there are also quite a few freemium devices. They have a regular limit for organic searches and you will have to choose payment options to increase the limit.

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Here are two of them:

5. Scribbr:

Scribbr offers 1 free mission every day. You can submit the content directly in the text box, upload a text file, or enter the URL. Enrollment is voluntary, but if you do, previous plagiarism evidence will be recorded.

The Platinum payment program starts at $ 1 USD.

6. Plagly:

Plagly requires three daily searches and covers more than 190 languages. However, the results of plagiarism are not acceptable because Google does not search for plagiarized content.

To use Google as the default search engine to find stolen content and increase the normal limit, you will need to use the paid alternative starting at $ 5 per month.

7. The Plagiarism Checker:

The Plagiarism Checker is the easiest device mentioned. You can link the content to the information box (max. 1500 words) or upload the information as a document file or click “Delete”. In a matter of seconds, you will get a proof that shows whether the material was stolen or not, and if it was stolen from somewhere else, even the assets from which the material was extracted will appear.