Identity Theft Protection

Why Everybody Needs Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft has risen exponentially as a result of online scamming. Fortunately, trustworthy businesses have stepped forward to provide identity theft protection services. Signing up puts you in a better position to prevent would-be criminals from acquiring identifying data such as credit card info, banking details, login info of, and much more. Breaking Down…

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Automated Regression Testing

Automated Regression Testing: Choose the Right Framework for Execution

The regression test automation framework provides an environment for automation test scripts which allows the user to develop, execute and report the test scripts. These frameworks combine guidelines, coding standards, concepts, processes, practices, project hierarchies, modularity, and reporting mechanisms. They can be prepared from scratch or chosen from the ones available in the market. This…

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Learning Management System

Why A Learning Management System Is Important

A learning management system is a software application and management system for learning, development, and teaching. A learning management system is used both for teaching and business learning and development. It has become an integral part of learning and teaching particularly during the pandemic. Many colleges have been teaching online by using applications. Most businesses…

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