Free Tools and Resources for a freelancer

10 Websites with Free Tools and Resources That You Must Know If You Are a Freelancer

Many people turn to freelance work due to shifting workplaces, the global pandemic, and unpredictable economies. As a result, the number of individuals working independently is increasing, providing more opportunities for those willing to put in effort and hone their skills. However, for those seeking a more professional approach to web design, a web design…

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What Is ESG Integration

What Is ESG Integration & Why Does It Fall Short for Many Ethical Investors?

How can people ethically invest in companies? It’s an important question, but it’s often met with an unsatisfactory answer. Some proponents of ESG integration say that if enough investors demand better governance from the companies they invest in, those demands will be answered. Unfortunately, that isn’t how the marketplace works; companies are beholden to their…

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